Caruso Settles on Pecan Ridge
On 41.7 acres in Bowie, Caruso Homes will share the landscape with a former pecan tree orchard. The Crofton-based builder recently paid $4.48 million for what will be developed as ‘Pecan Ridge,’ located on Route 197 at Lloyd Station Road. In the early 20th century, Thomas Littlepage grew pecan trees on the property as well as operating it as a horse farm. An approved preliminary plan shows 80 single-family lots across the nearly 42-acre property, but because it is laid out as a ‘conservation subdivision,’ an existing grove of pecan trees will be preserved. The preliminary plan was extended earlier this year, so Caruso has additional work in finalizing entitlements, and is likely over a year away from development. When it happens, Pecan Ridge will serve as Caruso’s latest in Bowie. The builder is finishing up a section of Collingbrook, which from its location in the Church Road corridor has drawn some of the highest prices in the county, and has towns at Amber Ridge, along Route 301. Barbara Richman Kahn and Allen Cornell at NAI Michael brokered the sale.